It's a small world

I’ve always heard the saying, “It’s a small world.”
Well, it’s true. In 1968, I was in
I had been over there a few months, long enough to back my fuel truck into the wing of a jet, and have my driver’s license taken away for 90 days. However, when I was back driving again, one of the things I had to do was dump the contents of my truck into a bladder, or a storage tank.
Our trucks carried around 5000 gallons of fuel and we had to dump them constantly into these bladders, because Bien Hoa, the place I was stationed, was one of the busiest airports in the world, at the time, so our trucks had to be full when a plane came in for refueling. Thus we kept the bladders, at the end of the runway, full.
One day I was dumping my truck, and I received a call on my radio, that I needed to report to the terminal. I thought to myself, “What have I done now?”
Anyway, I went to the terminal and was told I had a visitor. (See picture above. That's me on the left!)
It turned out to be
You can imagine my amazement, being in
That wasn’t the last time I got to see him, either. One day, I went to Long Bien and visited him where he was an x-ray technician.
Larry, upon his discharge from the Army, later visited with me at Altus AFB. Larry wasn’t the only person I saw from Heavener.
Stan Wedge, also in the Army, was another I got to see. And John Roop. I was refueling a commercial aircraft and, lo and behold, there was John. John was just then reporting to
When I got my driver’s license back (I mentioned earlier why I had it taken away), and was no longer just dumping my fuel into the storage tanks, I was promoted to refueling commercial planes, a cushy job, because we got to visit with the stewardesses and get some of the sandwiches and/or goodies left over from the flights.
I also got to see one of my cousins, Harold Rogers, from Sallisaw, a helicopter tail-gunner.
Before I even went to
When I was stationed at
Yes, it truly a small world.
Small world indeed! I have heard it said that a total of six to eight contacts can put any two people in the US in touch.
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