The Heavener Library~New and Improved
It's not really new, but the Heavener Library is certainly going to be improved when it re-opens on February 28th.
I've been in LeFlore County for the past week and saw the "new" library for the first time since the renovation was started. I had hoped to interview the librarians, but according to the sign on the new door, the library is closed until further notice...probably while they prepare for their grand re-opening.
The Heavener Librarian is Jana Manifold and her assistant is Jane (Hinds) Naylor, Bill's sister.
Completion of the interior is still on-going, so I couldn't photograph it. But as you'll see, the exterior has definitely undergone major changes
To give you a comparison...and since I didn't have any old photos of the library...I borrowed some shots taken from Google's "street-view" maps (that I reported on several weeks ago). The photos aren't too crisp, but you'll get the idea. The new photos were taken this afternoon at about the same time of the day that Google's were taken (from the appearance of the shadows).
This first photo was taken from across the street in front of the old Walkup Cleaner building. This photo was taken earlier this year or last year by Google.

Here's the same scene taken today:

The next photo (below) was taken further west of this location. I parked in front of the old City Hall building, at first, but had to move across the street in front of where the T&M Pharmacy was in order to get the entire building in the frame.

If you recall, the grassy area on the extreme left of the old library building is where Harvey Lee Carter's DX station once stood.

These last two photos don't show you a lot because there was no way I could move back far enough. I was up against the old Oklahoma Tire & Supply building in order to get this shot.

If you're interested, you can select Heavener Public Library for more information regarding the library and it's hours, services, etc. You might be surprised.
Interesting blog, we've only seen it from a distance last time we were up there. Looks like it going to be real nice, much better and improved over the previous one. Some interesting photos on the Library website, too. Thanks, Chuck.
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