Monday, April 21, 2008

We're Back!

So, I get this email from Craig today and he explains this Yahoo thing. How long has it been since HOL bit the dust? A long time, right? I'm out of sync and it may take awhile before I get back into it....writing, I mean.

I'm wondering how many of our Heavener High School alumni will figure out how to get here and actually read any of these things, but I'm not going to worry about it. For any that do and know me, I'll update my situation for you.

I am now retired...I hung up my headset (figuratively speaking) in January of this year. My wife and I have moved to East Texas and are enjoying the great outdoors and playing lots of golf. We enjoy eating lunch on our deck overlooking a back yard full of tall pine and oak trees while watching squirrels and some birds I've never seen before, fight over the feed that we leave out for them.

I'll try to get in the groove and write something interesting next time.


At April 22, 2008 at 6:05 AM , Blogger Craig Hall said...

Glad to have you on board, Chuck. Just remember, if we build it, they will come.


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