Well we are snowed in again. There are 6 families that live along our country road and for two days now none of us has tried to get out of the neighborhood. The snow is just too deep! The forecast is for continuing cold days for the next week or so so it appears we are not going anywhere for some time. We only lost power for a few hours and have all utilities up and going now so we are doing OK. No mail, no paper delivery; but have had some folks calling to check on us to make sure all is well. I have shoveled a path about half way out to the car but there is no way it is going anywhere so there is no rush to finish that job. In our last mail delivery I received the biography of Yogi Berra that I had ordered and I am making good progress reading it. He indeed was quite a character and a great baseball player. Blake Griffin is playing against the Bulls on TV and since it is half-time I thought that I would try the Ole Blog one more time. Game is back on so I'm done.
ps, John, do you think Yogi could make the Yankees nowadays?