Monday, July 13, 2009

A note to Kathy

Kathy Bain Dunn, I don't have your e-mail so I'll just say it publicly. I asked my son, Chris, to read the comment you had made about Mother at the funeral. There were many good things said about Mother at the service, but I thought what you had written was the most touching of all. I will be forever grateful to you for writing what you did. Judy Sexton says you are a wonderful lady, she must surely be telling the truth. colin


At July 13, 2009 at 9:50 PM , Blogger Kathy Bain Dunn said...

How I miss Judy (Clubb) Sexton around the school district since she retired! Oh, the stories of the Sexton boys and the Dunn boys. Of course, the Sextons had more than double the FUN with 5 boys, where we struggled along with just two boys! I never can remember if that mean animal of Sexton's was a sheep or a goat - the one they called Baa. I was terrified of the thing, but both of my boys thought they could conquer the crazy thing. It would charge and knock them into next week!! Big Lee would just laugh and get out his medic kit and stitch them up!!! It was great for our kids to grow up here in MWC with that Heavener connection!


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