Monday, August 31, 2009

Cynthia's retirement party

Cynthia’s retirement party proved what I had suspected all along. She was one of the most well-respected and thought of IRS agents, at least in Tyler and Longview . Her retirement party was well attended by her former co-workers -- some from as far away as Lufkin and Forney, both between 90 and 100 miles from Tyler , and her daughter Tammi, who drove here from San Antonio . The money tree given at each retiree’s party that I have gone the last several years was actually a “money waste basket,” but it hardly went to waste, if you know what I mean.

Apparently there were too many bills to pen to a tree, for fear it would topple over, or because there wasn’t a suitable tree with enough limbs on it, so the emcee, Carol Irvin (see related photo). just gave her a wire waste basket full of bills. Rumor has it, it’s the most cash ever donated to a retiring IRS agent from the Tyler/Longview area. One attendee said if that’s the kind of trash she generated he is moving to her cubicle. Maybe it will rub off! I won’t say how much it amounted to, but there were more than one $10 and $20 dollar bills and several $5 bills, too. And the $1s … well it took several stacks to put them in and count. I “volunteered” my services to help her count the bills, if you know what I mean. The money tree is often given to help the retiree with whatever he or she plans to do upon said retirement. Well, since Cynthia and I plan to travel in our RV – the I-bus as we so aptly call it – everyone donated money toward travel plans.

The party included one of her former managers, who gave her a Wal-Mart card and several co-workers and other retirees who gave her various restaurant cards. They, indeed, will be very useful when we decide to go out for a nice meal. The emcee, Carol Irvin , presented Cynthia with a neat scrapbook of photos and past moments of her time with the “service” along with letters and e-mails from some who could not attend. A good time was had by all, but Cynthia’s smile was the biggest!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Grand Old Liberty
While going through my parents memorabilia, I came across some old newspaper clippings. One of them addressed one of the mainstays of our early life in Heavener. If any of you missed the article or would just like to read it again, I've included it just as Ms. Johnson wrote it. I've included the photos (old black & white), and you can "click" on them for a larger view. I was there the day Monte Hale visited Heavener... a long time ago.

The Grand Old Liberty
(published in the August 8, 1990 issue of the Heavener Ledger)

For over six decades, the Liberty Theatre sold the hottest tickets in town. The huge movie house in the heart of downtown Heavener filled regularly, with folks lining up outside for hours, waiting for their turn to get in.

So many people turned out for a showing in 1926, that it filled the house to overflowing. That day, nine reels were shown throughout the evening, and 10 prizes were distributed to the holders of lucky numbers. Admission was ten cents to all. Prizes awarded included five dollars in gold, fifty pounds of flour, a set of silver teaspoons, a pair of ladies hose and a pair of ladies fancy garters.

When G.D. Hughes bought the Liberty Theatre Dec. 13, 1918, from Dave Jackson, the showhouse had been closed for six weeks due to a major flue epidemic. Hughes bought the business on Friday and was permitted to open the show the next day.

At that time the place had but one projecting machine and there were waits at intervals while the operator changed films.

After Hughes took over, equipment was improved and the switch from one film to another was not noticed by the audience.

"Mr. Hughes is never contented with makeshifts--he wants the best", Ledger Editor Frank Richards stated.

In 1920, Hughes installed a Hertner transverter, the very latest equipment in moving picture machinery. Cost was $850. "The Liberty is now showing pictures that are a credit to towns of ten times the size of Heavener", the article said. "Mr. Hughes is sparing no expense to give Heavener the very best in moving pictures."

Original Liberty

Those who can remember the original Liberty building, may recall the steps leading up and into the old building, necessary in order to allow the floor to slant back to ground level. Excavation took care of this feature when Hughes erected a new building in the late 1920's.

The original Liberty, early 1900's, with crowds standing in line to get in.

From the time Hughes took over ownership, he provided the best in entertainment for local audiences. In June of 1919, he booked Hockwald's famous Royal Hawaiian Troupe for a one time showing.

"In this day of little change in styles of entertainment, this is a welcome announcement, " editor Richards stated. "As a special attraction, a pretty Hawaiian girl, Miss Kumulea, with a wonderful sympathetic voice, will sing the old Hawaiian love songs, " he added.

Hughes was always looking ahead. "The prospects for the future growth of Heavener leads me to think my present show house will not much longer accommodate my patrons, " he said in August of 1920. The summer before, he purchased the two business lots between the F & F Garage and the Liberty Theatre building with future expansion in mind.

Plans got put on hold for several years in the 1920's, but in March of 1927, Hughes formally announced his plans to build a new theatre building.

Located next door to the original show house, architectural plans showed the building to be 50x130 and a story and a half in height. An awning, described as "fine and modern" extended clear over the sidewalk.

Two store buildings would be located in the front part of the theatre, located on each side of the lobby. The building was planned to seat about a thousand people, including both the first floor and the balcony.

The new Liberty Theatre was all decked out for the holidays and it's 30th anniversary in the early 1940's. Special showings during the holidays were a special feature.

Cry Room

A ladies rest room and babies cry room were to be located in the front part of the building.

The stage was constructed to take care of the largest of road show, a new innovation for Heavener at that time. Dressing rooms were located on each side. Below that was an orchestra pit, capable of taking care of the largest orchestra.

The plastered walls were finished in what was described as "the new celetose, " which took away all vibration and made the acoustics of the building perfect.

The new theatre featured an Arctic New Air cooling system, which changed the air in the theatre every two minutes.

Seven Spanish windows gave an added touch of beauty.

Construction on the new theatre took about eight months due to several unforeseen delays. The last seat was not set in place in the building until ten minutes after six the night the formal opening was held in November.

Crowds jammed into the new theatre building to witness the opening performance.

The Heavener Lions Club adjourned their meeting early so that members could attend the show.

Dedicatory services started at 7:30 sharp, with the first picture program at 8:00.

The program was opened with a prayer by Rev. M.L. Sims, pastor of the Methodist Church, followed by a brief address by Rev. E.W. Westmoreland.

Following that was musical entertainment by a quartette comprised of C.B. Johnston, Lewis Johnston, J.D. Arnold and A. Netherton; a violin solo by Miss Mabel Morgan; a dance by Barbara Joan Stettmund and a talk by Rev. E.R. Hall, pastor of he Christian Church.

"The Drop Kick", a college football story starring Richard Barthelmess was the feature film that night and described as "very appropriate".

Rules on the opening program stated: Don't spit on the floor; don't throw peanut hulls on the floor, if you must eat peanuts, put the hulls back in the sack; don't put your feet on the seats.

Government rules included that if a child was five years old, it must have a half-fare ticket, with a full fare necessary for those12 years or older.

Management personnel on opening night included owner Hughes, his son, Ray, manager; cashier, Mrs. G.D. Hughes; projectionist, Earl Kelso; assistant projectionist, Clyde Olive.


Hughes continued to keep up with the times, installing talking equipment in the Spring of 1930. Hughes, O.L. Kemp of Poteau and H.T. Head of DeQueen all purchased the DeForrest Phonofilm Talkies for their show houses.

Hughes said at the time that he thought DeForrest Phonofilm had the best talking equipment on the market. DeForrest, inventor of the original talking equipment, produced the sound on film and not on disc, as was the case with similar equipment used in other show houses.

As the years passed, Hughes, along with his son, Ray, who took over management of the theatre in the late 1920's, kept the theatre equipped with the most up-to-date equipment on the market.

Movie star Monty Hale visits with Ray Hughes, right.

In January of 1960, Ray Hughes leased the theatre to Paul Maxwell.

The theatre changed ownership in the 1970's, with Joe and Martha Johnson buying it in 1973. Bill and Mary Gibson continued to run the theatre, and Johnson had his real estate and insurance in a portion of the building. The Northside Barber Shop, owned by Myron Davenport, was in another section of the building.

Below, Buck Stewart (left), Orley Duncan and Katherine Brown pose with Monty Hale (check out that feather in Ms Brown's hat).

End of an Era

In October of 1979, fire consumed much of the Liberty. The blaze destroyed the roof and completely gutted the interior. The walls, however, were left standing. The theatre was owned then by Charlene Wiles.

The days of theatre were over for Heavener. Good memories, however, remain. Memories like throwing pickles and popcorn at the smoochers in the back of the auditorium, winning a coveted free pass, attending a matinee for the first time, keeping up with the serial movies every week and laughing now about how Theo Eskridge, one of the projectionists, used to edit the 'R-rated' movies before showing. Those happy memories, and many more, of the grand old Libery will be with us forever.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We may be in a town near you...

Everything is a go right now. Cynthia has gotten a letter from OPM (Office of Personnel Management), that her disability has gone through. The I-Bus is packed and ready to set sail. Yep, in early September, we’re leaving on our very first extended RV trip, which will take us on a whirlwind tour through Oklahoma , Missouri , Kansas and back through Oklahoma . By the time, we return from a near six-week stroll, it’ll be time to go to San Antonio for Michael and Ora’s first child – Micah Felix. Due date, late October.

First stop, Heavener (or Long Lake Resort), to visit Aunt Mable and other friends around Heavener – Cynthia’s niece Melissa & and husband Charlie and her two boys, Von & Judy Mead, Linda Bentley Lockhart and whomever else we may run across. Melissa and her family recently moved back to Heavener from Durant. Our original plan was to go to Lake Texoma and see Melissa in Durant, then go on to Robbers Cave in Wilburton en route to Cedar Lake . Those plans were abruptly changed when Melissa moved and when we discovered Cedar Lake doesn’t allow any RVs with slides. The I-Bus has one slide-out.

Second stop, Sallisaw. I have an uncle (my dad’s only living brother) and a couple cousins living there (actually Gans) who we haven’t seen in many, many years. Third stop will be up to Tulsa to pay a visit to Cynthia’s cousin James Harvey Brewer, who she hasn’t seen in almost seven years. While in Tulsa , we’ll probably pay a quick visit to Coach Bob Collins . Though I didn’t play for him, I was involved in the Bob Collins Reunion in Heavener a few years ago. He is a fellow blogger, plus he and wife Betty are very nice people.

Fourth stop, Miami (or as coach Collins said Mia -- ma, with the emphasis on the ‘ma.’ If you say Miami , you’re talking about the one in Florida . That’s a stop to visit with Cynthia’s brother Jim and his wife Alice Ann (Hall). Cynthia and Jim haven’t seen each other in five years, and she’s never gotten to see Jim’s home. I also have a college friend, Monty. We already plan to stay in an RV Park on Steve Owens Blvd. . You may recognize the name Steve Owens, the famous OU fullback and 1969 Heisman Trophy winner and former Sooners AD. From Miami , we’ll go up in Missouri for our fifth stop. We have reservations at Roaring River Sate Park , outside Cassville. It’s a place dad used to take me as a kid, on our way to Kansas City to see the Yankees play. I haven’t been there since 1964.

Sixth stop, Topeka , Kan. There, we have plans to stay with John Marvin Wright, a ’65 classmate and a good friend. He lost his wife a couple years ago, and admittedly has had trouble getting over her passing. That’s in late September. From there, it’s back through Wichita (it’s a place to stop and visit because we’ve never been there) and on to Oklahoma City , to visit with a coaching friend of mine. Elliot Johnson is head baseball coach at Southern Nazarene and has just built a nice log home. Also in OKC, I have a mini-reunion set up with some former Heavenerites – Russell Walker, Denny West, Paul Riggins, Harold Patterson , and Nancy Gilstrap Adam s, Kathy Bain Dunn, along with their spouses. Denny, Paul and Nancy were ’65 classmates, Russell was my next door neighbor and Harold is the younger brother of Jim Patterson , another ’65 classmate. Kathy is the sister of Judy Bain Hall, another ’65 classmate.

After OKC, we may make a brief stop in Purcell to see Nancy and Ardmore , to visit with Cynthia’s cousin Ann . Then it’s back to Lake Texoma , and back home in Tyler for a night in our own bed. And on to San Antonio .

There you have it, our itinerary for the first I-Bus trip. Oh, I may try to keep you updated along the way, depending on how much fun we’re having.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sassafras tea, sheep sour wine, rabbit tobacco, and possum grapes

With the absence of such distractions as television, electronic games, and for the most part even telephones ( and certainly not cell phones) my friends and I who lived on the far SW corner of Heavener (as opposed to the other west siders such as KB-D and JI) seldom lacked for activities to keep our fertile minds occupied. Much of our free time was spent playing, exploring, and competing in all manner of athletic endeavors, but on occasion we deferred to more dignified interests such as developing our culinary skills. Everyone has heard of Sassafras tea, but who among you ever tried to make some. Well we did. On one of our trips exploring regions outside of our neighborhood territory we discovered that along the lane that extended north of where Mrs. Stewart (the school teacher) lived sassafras plants grew in abundance. After harvesting enough of the fragrant roots which we initially intended to just chew we decided to make up a batch of sassafras tea. Our favorite "hideout" back then was located in the woods just to the west of Homer’s house not far from the Hill cemetery. There we made us a small campfire and using a gallon coffee can we boiled some of the twigs for some time then after having strained out the scraps of wood we added a good quantity of sugar pilfered from mother’s cannister and all tried a sip. It wasn’t bad (thanks mostly to the ample amount of sugar) but not near as good as the regular tea our mothers could make so it was concluded that we could find better things to do with our time than manufacture more sassafras tea. Ever being the connoisseurs of the finer things of life and since our part of Oklahoma had not yet emerged from the great prohibition experiment we ventured into the unlawful spirits industry by fixing up a batch of what we had heard called "sheep sour wine" ( it was not until I was a college graduate that I learned that the term was really "sheep sorrel"). Our "still" consisted of the same aforementioned coffee can and sugar supply, but a major difference in the procedure was this time we would pour the completed product into a mason jar and bury it for a considerable time thereby allowing it to age which is what we did. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately when we returned to the " hide out "a couple of days later our stash was nowhere to be found. We never did find out what happened to it and the world will never know how our contribution to the "moonshiner" craft turned out. Also among our group of buddies were those of us who were aficionados of the "rabbit tobacco" weed. For the few of you out there that are not familiar of what this particular plant is, "rabbit tobacco" is quite common in the fields and meadows around Heavener. It is easily identified when you know what you are looking far. It is a pale green in color and produces clumps of small fairly thick leaves which when chewed produces a "juice" which when expelled from ones mouth resembles a tobacco stain on whatever it lands on. The other wild delicacy that we enjoyed was the wild grape commonly know as the possum grape a.k.a. muscadine. Our source for this delight was the vines that grew down past the creek that flowed across what we called "Roberts Pasture". It was about this time of the year that the grapes would start to be edible. I don’t suppose the vines are there anymore since "Roberts Pasture" was obliterated by the strip mining operations that destroyed where my friends and I spent much of our child hood back in the fifties. Oh sure we also enjoyed our share of the more common treats such as the ocaisional watermelon (Mr. Roberts wouldn’t miss just one) and then there was those delicious pears from the little orchard across the street from Melenda Meeh’s house - shucks there wasn’t even a fence around those trees so whoever the pears belonged to didn’t care if we enjoyed our fill of them. Well all the work it took to do all this writin has worked me up put a craving on me so I’ll sign off and fix me a PB&J sandwich.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

We Need to Remember

I have written before about my church orchestra. We are somewhat musically challenged, but given enough “lead time”, we usually can pull off some pretty good music for special occasions. Well, our music minister Tom has recognized our need for an extra measure of time, and he passed out the new Christmas musical last night, August 19. That is an all-time record for “lead time.” The musical is a fun, heart-warming story with familiar carols and a few new tunes that are really nice. Then it hit me!

Near the end of the new Christmas musical, there is an old familiar tune “Let There Be Peace on Earth.” I remembered the first time I sang that song. It was the Spring concert at Heavener High in 1968.

The week before the concert was a special one for me. I had tried-out for cheerleader and made the Junior High squad for the coming year, and Donna Sonaggera had invited me to spend the night at her house to celebrate us being on the cheer squad together. Spending the night was a huge deal because for some reason our Mothers never did want us to have sleepovers. (I think it was because each Mother dreaded when it was HER turn to host the sleepover!)

Donna and I had a lot in common growing up. We both came to our families somewhat later than our parents had expected to have more children. (It just dawned on me - they may have been worn out from Judy and Bobbie’s sleepovers!) I remember Donna and I talking about going to college that night because we had Freddie, Bobbie, and Judy who had already gone off to college. There was no thought about whether we would go to college, just where we would go! We got out Bobbie’s old Heavener Yearbooks and dreamed about days to come.

I don’t remember for sure if it was late at night or early the next morning. I don’t remember who answered the door. I only remember that Bro. Sullivan, our pastor at FBC, was standing in the living room, and if memory serves me correctly, he was dressed in his Army uniform. I don’t even remember exactly what news he brought, only that I held no hope for Freddie to come home from Vietnam. I remember empty hugs as I slipped out telling Mrs. Sonaggera that I needed to go tell my Mom and Dad about Freddie. I wonder now if it was really so dark when I walked up the hill with such a heavy heart, or if my memory has painted those moments with darkness.

At the concert that next week the High School Chorus had already prepared the song “Let There Be Peace on Earth.” They invited everyone in the audience to join hands and sing with them in honor of 2LT Freddie L. Sonaggera, killed in Vietnam April 17, 1968.

I couldn’t find sleep very easily last night, so I googled Freddie Sonaggera, and I found a page where several people, including Butch Gilstrap, had posted a few memories:,110&Wall_Id_No=48876

When I first showed my husband Harry the War Memorial at the Heavener Library, he was astounded at the number of men Heavener has lost in wars. We need to remember. I’m glad Tom brought out the Christmas musical in August this year!

Monday, August 17, 2009

The 'grand' argument

Our grandkids are as entertaining as heck. When Art Linkletter had the TV show, Kids Say The Darndest Things, he indeed had a winner. Our grandkids – two boys and two girls – keep us laughing most of the time. Then they do something funny on purpose. You know, the best things about grandkids is that you keep them awhile, and they go back home. That’s absolutely correct.

All you bloggers out there who have grandkids are probably no different than brothers Brandon (10, below left) and Garrett (almost 6, below right) and sisters McKenna (almost 4) and Kenedi (2) – in middle photo.

I never had any siblings, but Cynthia had two brothers. The only thing is Larry was 8 years older and Jim was 12 years her elder, so she really didn’t get to ‘grow up’ with any brothers.

Brandon and Garrett certainly have shown us what it would be like with younger siblings. I mean those two go to bed arguing and wake up arguing. Mercy! We’ve decided Garrett would argue with a sign even though he painted it. Brandon , of course, believes he is correct in telling Garrett something, but Garrett always has different ideas. If it’s not one thing, it’s another, or another, or another. It never seems to stop. Brandon likes his sandwiches one way, Garrett another. Garrett likes hot dogs, but he only wants mustard on the weenie, not on the bread. Sandwich after sandwich, I tell you. When they stayed with us for six days recently, they went through two loaves of bread, a jar of peanut butter and two jars of strawberry jelly AND a package of bologna and one of cheese. Cynthia and I seldom go through a loaf of bread before it passes its window of opportunity. In other words, often, the freshness date expires. And chocolate milk? Usually I drink a small quart in a week. Maybe. Brandon and Garrett started on the second quart within three days.

McKenna and Kenedi are the same way. One likes this, the other likes that. McKenna will tell you she did something and probably tell you why she was justified in doing it. She is sent to her room – a lot. Kenedi is the sneaky one of the two. She won’t admit to anything. She’ll just bat those little eyes and smile that cute little smile, and before you know it, you’ve forgotten what it is she’s getting in trouble for. Kenedi calls McKenna ‘sister.’ You know, “Sister needs to share,” but Kenedi doesn’t think she necessarily has to return the favor. Their dad’s parents were keeping them before the big move to San Antonio and McKenna was constantly getting in trouble for antagonizing Kenedi and making her yell. One day they walked into the living room just as Kenedi let out a shriek. McKenna was across the room minding her own business. Kenedi just likes to get her in trouble whether she deserves it or not!

Cynthia’s son Michael and his wife Ora are expecting their first child in late October. Now that we’ve become experienced at this grand parenting thing, we’re prepared for another grandchild, but are little Micah Felix’s parents ready for parenthood? Especially, if they decide to have another!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Did you hear...

Did you hear that Brooks and Dunn have run fresh out of ideas when it comes to new songs? Wonder if Ronnie Dunn is any kin to Kathy Bain Dunn? She proved she certainly hasn’t run out of ideas. Seriously, Kix Brooks and Ronnie Dunn believe they have run the gamut in the last 20 years. They plan to release one last album and do one more tour in 2010, then shut it down. Gosh, I can’t imagine not being able to come up with new songs when you’re a professional singer. Before you know it, movie-makers will run be running out of ideas for new movies. Then won’t we be in a mess? What will everyone do for entertainment?

Personally, I like Brooks and Dunn and their singing talent. Not that I’m a big country music fan, but I like to listen in on the radio when I’m driving along. Don’t you? You would think I’d get tired of watching baseball games, and Cynthia probably wishes I would, too. Actually, she doesn’t mind me sitting down at the computer every time the Yankees are playing and they’re not on the big screen (TV). There more than likely isn’t a bigger fan of the Yankees, unless maybe it’s George Steinbrenner. But, in all fairness, he does have a vested interest. I don’t, not money-wise, but I did get permission from Cynthia to subscribe to MLB.TV. At least she knows where I am every night and doesn’t have to worry about me running the streets or even driving the streets trying to listen to Brooks and Dunn or doing something I shouldn’t be doing. Cynthia has become a baseball fan, in general, and although she doesn’t tune in when the Yankees are playing, she at least asks me how they’re doing and knows about whom I speak when I tell her that Jorge (pronounced Hor-hay, as in 'hip, hip, hooray' in the ESPN Sports Center commercial) Pasada just hit a home run or Melky Cabara just hit for the cycle. Yep, she even knows what the term means now, referring to getting a single-double-triple-home run in the same game. It really is an unusual feat.

My grandsons -- Karen’s sons -- stayed almost a full week with us recently and Brandon (10) asked me several questions about Mickey Mantle, because I’ve told him Mickey was my favorite player and that I was able to meet and talk to him on several occasions. Brandon ’s also seen the photo on my Yankee wall of Mickey and me shaking hands. Brandon has even drawn a picture, depicting me and Mickey standing beside each other. The drawing means almost as much to me as the picture itself. In fact, though I don’t have it framed, I have the drawing tucked under the picture on the wall, so they are both there.

And my second grandson, Garrett (5) doesn’t have much interest in baseball. He’s into drawing coloring and banging around on a toy piano. So he has some artistic blood in him. That’s okay, too. As long as he’s interested in something that can keep him busy and later in life could be financially profitable. They both love Cynthia and she loves both of them as if they were her own. So, I suppose I’ll keep her and my grandsons around just a bit longer. Oh, and the Yankees.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Shopping and Loafing in Heavener

Loafing .... I don't have a definition for loafing, but Daddy and many of his friends did it. Sometimes they would loaf at the pool hall. Sometime they would loaf at the cabin - Dad, Blue John, Mr. Cleo, and T. A. Roop - even Tom Johnson sometimes. At the cabin, loafing meant fishing, playing dominoes, and eating a big T-Bone steak. I guess loafing meant doing just about anything besides working. Well, Jim and Judy went down to Heavener to loaf with Harry and me last weekend. We pretty much covered the West Side, especially our old neighborhood. Lots of stories, lots of memories, lots of changes. Together we could name the families that lived in just about every house, street by street. Then Judy and I got to loaf in the way that we enjoy most - shopping! It used to be Tiffee's Tote a Poke, but now it is First Friday Traders. Just a strange assortment of stuff, and they are only open on the first Friday and Saturday of the month - obviously no returns. That little shopping trip reminded me of my early shopping adventures in Heavener at Franklin's 5 & 10. I loved to get new school supplies, especially paste. Was it just me, or did that paste really smell as good as I remember? Paste wasn't the only thing I bought at Franklin's 5 & 10. I still have a little heart pin that I bought for Mother one year for Mother's Day. It says Mother inside the heart, and I was so proud of that purchase. I wear it on a sweater that has some assorted buttons, so it looks like it just belongs on it. I think I bought that pin the same year I discovered that Mr. Franklin was married to Mrs. Towry! Yes, even to his face for years I had called him Mr. Franklin, and he always answered and never told me the difference. Gosh, I felt like a moron to learn the truth!
Another shopping adventure in downtown Heavener was when My June (that's what my boys called Mother) would give the boys $2 and let them walk down to the General Store over close to the Ledger. They had more fun walking past the playground, across the railroad tracks, over by the deer pen, and around to the store without any adult interference. Well, one Saturday back in MWC, we had a serious visit from a federal Postal Inspector. It seems that one of the neighbors had reported that my boys had been tampering with their mail. The Inspector was very clear that it is a federal offense to tamper with the US Mail. I just couldn't believe it, so I called the boys to the door, and they admitted to the crime. Not tampering with the mail really, but they did spray "fart spray" into their mailbox because they wanted to get the attention of the pretty little girls who lived there! Fart Spray! Can you imagine? When the Inspector asked them where they got the fart spray, they both said their Grandmother bought it for them! Can you imagine June Bain having anything to do with Fart Spray? Even after teaching junior high, I had never heard of such a thing! It was one time that I probably did not respond appropriately at a time when my boys needed disciplined. I laughed until I cried!
It was a good day last Saturday - loafing, shopping, and remembering - in a place that I love with people that I love!

What happened to our bloggers!

What happened to our Heavener bloggers!