Bob is Back
I was sitting out on the porch this morning just admiring God's creation. It was the start to the nicest day we have had in a long time. No wind, NO rain, Not even any bugs pestering me and then I heard it; from the nearby neighbor's pasture came the whistle of a quail. I sat there still and continued to listen and soon there it came again. It had been a very long time since I had heard that call and the absence was sorely missed. When we first moved out here to our place in the country it was very common to see and hear the quail and even ocaisionally flush a covey of them as I walked through the woods. In all the wonders and beauty of this world God has given us to enjoy the bobwhite quail is one of the finest to me. The heart stirring flush of the sudden rise of a covey of them and the soon following distinctive whistling as they gather to gather again is a beautiful thing to behold. I understand that there are many reasons that they have become so scarce and I'll not debate those today, but I surely am happy to know Bob is back!