Reunions never get too old

Well, another Heavener High School Reunion has been put to bed. The reunions never get old, although we are.
This was my 43rd. I just can’t believe it’s been 43 years since I was in high school. Where has the time gone? I guess I’ve been so busy the time seemingly has just flown by.
It is good to see old classmates, even if I don’t recognize some of them now. It doesn't take long to get reacquainted. All the classes seem to make a push on their 40th. I don’t know why that is.
Maybe it’s because some may not be around for the 50th. My class has lost 17 of our members already.
Four years ago, when we had our 39th we made a big push (since the HHS Reunion only comes every two years we couldn't do the 40th) to make it an important one. My class had so many there I hadn’t seen in so long, I literally didn’t recognize some. The name tags with our senior pictures on them helped a lot!
His brother Jerry (class of '61) looks practically the same but not Dennis.
This year I recognized him. Cynthia and I went to
Gayle Wilson Butler, who lived right across the street from me, said she drove down
At the banquet Saturday night, Dora Ruth Mead was honored. Dora Ruth graduated from Heavener High 75 years ago! That is truly a long time. I don’t know how spry she is, but she at least was there. Several of her children, including
Brothers Martin and Bob Tate have become fixtures as the flag bearers at these banquets. They always present the United States and
But a younger generation is prepared to step in. Jennifer Wright did an outstanding job!
Yes, time moves on but Heavener High remains an important piece of our lives.

Sorry I missed this one but I had a conflict with a consulting job. The class of '59 is planning a September reunion during Homecoming. It will count as our 50th snce there is no full school reunion next year.
It's funny how those school days stay with us. I may not be able to remember where I left my reading glasses but I can recall events from the first through the twelfth grades.
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