Traveling with the Inman’s
Meet Boomer (lower right in picture). Cynthia gave me this little OU gnome and we decided to bring him along on our travels and take a picture at our stops along the way. As you can tell, the first stop was at the Heavener High School reunion.
Had there been a contest for the person who traveled the farthest for the bi-annual reunion, David Hinds would have probably won it hands- down. Hinds, a 1965 graduate, flew in from South America on Thursday to attend the 45th reunion of his class. He and his wife Linda are missionaries currently on furlough from their positions in Chili, where they were serving during the earthquakes earlier this year.
Hinds, along with a sizable contingent from the class of ’65, began the festivities with a dinner Friday evening at the home of Elton Ollar on Timber Ridge Road, followed by a street dance in downtown Heavener. The reunion continued Saturday with registration and a street parade, despite showers. Saturday afternoon the alumni attended class meetings at various locations throughout Heavener and surrounding communities.
The traditional alumni banquet and meeting was held Saturday evening in the high school cafeteria. Continuing a long-standing practice the colors were presented by brothers Martin and Bob Tate. Former superintendent Dale Elliott served as emcee. The Class of ’65 was well represented during the recognition of classes. The evening ended with all in attendance singing Allegiance.
A discussion was held concerning the class’ 50th reunion being held in the fall in conjunction with Heavener’s homecoming football game.
Leaving Long Lake Resort today. Next stop: Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
P.S.: Will send pictures from the reunion to classmates when we return to Tyler.
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